Monday, October 1, 2012

Homestead Plantings- Banana Trees


I didn’t know that bananas would grow in north Florida. I’ve seen the banana trees that look like pretty palms but don’t produce fruit. When Ben brought these home from some wonderful people at Chick-fil-A, I thought, “Why would I want a pretty but useless plant?” (I’m pretty big on utility rather than beautiful uselessness.) But he and my Dad assured me that there are banana trees that grow bananas in our area. In fact, my Dad told me that one of our neighbors had one and harvested bananas each year. I was amazed.

This weekend, my darling husband worked SO hard cleaning up the destroyed ramp (and saving the wood for future projects of course). He also removed the strange piece of clothesline from the backyard. YAY! We plan to use a drying rack from

1327773921 Homestead Drying Racks.

(It can be moved indoors in front of the fireplace.)

AND he planted our banana trees.

… our Homestead begins to take form.

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