Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Invitation of the Ocean

My first novel is now available.

You can buy it for Kindle

You can buy it for Nook

And you can even get it in print

We're in the process of planning local book signings and maybe even a release party.
Keep in touch either here or on Facebook (
for updates.

I do have some author copies available. Contact me on FaceBook if you'd like to order a signed copy.


Winter Happenings

We've been busy with home projects this winter. It's been deceptively warm here during January, and I've been dying to get outside and start planting. But now that it's freezing February, I'm glad I waited. 

We put up pantry shelves in the laundry room.
Now I can see what we need more of- potatoes, tomato sauce, salsa, and chicken broth.

I built some shelves for the office.
 This is still a work in progress. I plan to hang another bulletin board on the left and relocate some of the clutter on top of the shelves. My favorite feature in these shelves are the concrete blocks. I love the cubby-holes. I put some small toys in them for the girls to find.

This wooden stepladder was a gift from Ben's Grandma Pat.
 I cleaned it up and put it beside my bathtub. I love the rustic farmhouse beauty of it.

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